Saturday, July 2, 2011

Milky Diet for Weight loss

Adviced for people who like milk, cocoa, honey and consommé from vegetables, because this are basic components of this diet. Use it only at the weekends, from friday till sunday, however, during the whole week you can eat almost anything you want to, but only in smaller amounts, for example half of what you have been eating. All you have to do is to resign from fat meat and high calories cakes.

The only but very important recommendation is to consume on each day, from monday untill Thursday, in dinner-time one milky meal. After 10 days you can return to to your eating habituation, but at least once a month repeat this diet.

This diet is forceful, simple and safe, and it supplies essential amount of white protein. It can be used in each age. However, it requires strong motivation stand – because not everyone is strong enough to decrease daily meals from half.