Saturday, July 2, 2011

Juice Diet for Weight loss

This diet appears to be light, delicious and appetizing. It helps to better your complexion and mood. It can be carried out once a week. During the diet you have to drink about 2-3 liters of fruit or vegetable juice.
  • Carrot juice - betters and strengthens complexion, makes it luminous and vigorous.
  • Onion juice - strengthens your heart and complexion.
  • Pepper juice – keeps you in good shape and lowers the number of cholesterol, it helps to lose weight.

Liquid Diet (400 kcal)

A liquid diet consists of juices replacing every meal. Nutritionally this will provide virtually no protein or fat, and few calories. It may cause attenuation and dizziness. It should be tried during a weekend.

A Sample Diet Menu:

Breakfast: 1 cup of coffee with 3 spoons of whole milk or 1 glass of tea with 3 spoons of honey.
Snack: 0.25 liter of butter milk mixed with 1 pear.
Dinner: 0.5 liter of vegetable juice.
Supper: 0.25 liter of poultry or vegetable stock, 1 slice of wholemeal bread.

Drink about 2-3 liters of mineral water a day.