Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Do you have an eye for vitamin?

While talking about the diet for eyes, the vitamins will generally enter the fray without any invitation. It is because the vitamins are the inevitable for the eyes. They are recommended by doctors for the enhancement of vision. If you devour vitamin rich diets you can prevent any possible eye diseases. Vitamin A is the queen of eye care .Take a look at the article to know about the diets that are high in vitamin. This article covers
  • Vitamins For The Eyes
  • Antioxidants
  • Best Eye Vitamins, Minerals and Supplements
The role of nutrition on overall health has been extensively researched and many researchers have concluded that a balance of nutrients has a profound effect on disease prevention and in many cases as a factor in the healing process.

Vitamins for the eyes are no exception to that consensus. Evidence suggests that nutrition is a key factor in the general health of the eyes as well. Good nutrition may improve vision and reduce deterioration that occurs as a natural consequence of aging. Several vitamins for eye health have been identified for their potential of having a therapeutic value for the eyes.

For example, evidence suggests vitamin C can reduce the incidence of cataracts. Further vitamin C seems to reduce pressure associated with glaucoma. Some substances such as omega-3 fatty acids are identified as being a building block in vision development beginning in the womb. Further studies suggest that omega fatty acids may protect eyes from some degenerative diseases of the eyes, such as macular degeneration.
Antioxidants seem to counter the effects of oxidation on the tissues and structure of the eyes. This may be the reason that many vitamins for eye health and supplements have a positive effect on eye health; they are rich in antioxidants and other compounds that halt the destruction of healthy tissue. In eyes much of this oxidation is related to light exposure over time.

Oxidation causes proteins in the eyes to clump together in cataracts, for example, the clumps of protein cloud over the lens thereby impeding vision. The body attempts to counter the effects of oxidation by producing and using antioxidants such as are found in Vitamins E, A and in carotenoid. An example of how the body defends itself is seen in how carotenoid is used as a defender.

Carotenoid (a yellow pigment) is reputed to help fight cataracts because it absorbs blue light. Blue light is implicated in the light driven oxidation of the eyes so carotenoid reduces oxidation by nullifying the damaging effects of some of the blue light intercepted by the eye.
Vitamins for the Eyes
Vitamins have been identified that appear to improve, protect and support eye health, including these three;
  • Vitamin C found in fruits and vegetables such as; oranges, strawberries, rosehip, broccoli. Appears to reduce pressure in Glaucoma, slows deterioration in macular degeneration and reduces the risk of cataracts. Antioxidant.
  • Vitamin A found in carrots, sweet potatoes, and liver. Deficiency is tied to blindness, and corneal ulcers. Use may reduce risk of cataracts, and night blindness. Antioxidant. Reported to improve night vision
  • Vitamin E found in many nuts such as; almonds and hazelnuts. Antioxidants play a role in the reduction of risk for macular degeneration and cataracts.