Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Supplements: Which Kind is Right for You? Do You Even Need Them?

In the past, all people needed to do in order to stay healthy and in shape was hit the gym and eat right. However, the concepts of nutrition, health and wellness have expanded to the point where it takes much more to really guarantee that you are on top of your overall health. Among the many changes that people now incorporate into their daily lives includes the use of supplements.

Fitness and nutrition experts often swear by the use of supplements as a way to increase your energy, provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals and even boost the look and feel of your muscles. However, to the average, everyday person, knowing what role supplements should play in their lives can be difficult to determine. If you don’t know all of the information to help you decide, you could end up using the wrong type of supplement or you may find that you don’t even need them. It is a good idea to do some research beforehand so that you’ll know which supplements, if any, can help you with your nutrition, health and/or exercise goals.

Although most people tend to think of protein supplements and similar products used by gym goers and body builders, these are not the only types of supplements that are available. Perhaps the most basic kind of supplement that everyone can benefit from is the multivitamin. Specially formulated with the proper levels of essential vitamins and minerals, multivitamins make sure that we receive the right amounts of these nutrients on a daily basis. Let’s face it: we’re not always able to eat as healthy as we want and even the best efforts cannot always guarantee that we’re taking in the proper levels of vitamins and minerals. If you happen to lead a hectic lifestyle, have a poor diet or want to make sure that you’re covering all of your bases, then you’ll want to make sure to take your multivitamin once a day or as directed on the label. There are multivitamins for adults, teens and even young children. It is not mandatory to take multivitamins, however, it helps a lot.

Aside from multivitamins, the other types of supplements on the market include those used by fitness enthusiasts, namely creatine, protein and glutamine supplements. You can find these in pill, powder or beverage form. These products serve a number of purposes, including conditioning and strengthening the muscles, tissues and replenishing energy levels during and after a workout. Creatine, protein and glutamine supplements can be purchased at any health food store and vitamin shop as well as online. If you are not an active gym goer, chances are you don’t need these types of supplements.

Some people tend to have a deficiency of some kind. This can include not producing enough of a certain vitamin or mineral in the body. In these instances, specialized supplements are needed. For example, those with a vitamin E deficiency can simply take vitamin E pills to increase their levels and make sure they can avoid the deficiency in the future.