Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How to reduce Weight naturally? List of Natural foods which burn fat and reduce body weight

How to reduce Weight naturally? Get best Tips to reduce weight naturally through Diet. List of Natural foods which burn fat and reduce body weight

Do you want to reduce your weight and get a slim and healthy body? Well, you can get all Tips here in this Hub on how to reduce weight naturally through Diet. Don't get scared of being made to starve Diet....... You just need to maintain a balanced diet with some natural foods that will reduce your body fat and shed those extra Flabs off your body in real quick Time. You don't have to spend hundreds on Miracle slimming food supplements or Fat Pills, which contain chemicals and steriod hormones that could damage your body's natural immune system and cause various side effects such as impotency.

Tips to reduce body Weight naturally:

abs1. Drink plenty of water. This will increase your Fat metabolism rate and

keep your circulation system healthy. Immediately after getting from sleep in the morning, drink 500 ml of wateron an empty stomach. This will cleanse your system and keep your metabolism rate high for the rest of the day

2. Mix 2 teaspoons of Honey with a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach after getting up from bed in the morning. This is one of the well known methods to reduce weight

3. Between Breakfast and Lunch, have a glass of orange, pineapple or carrot juice daily

4. Instead of having three meals a day, split it into 6 meals. This way, you can avoid adding weight by putting less strain on the digestive system

5. Avoid Rice as much as possible as it's high in carbohydrate content. Avoid fried and Oily foods, and foods which are high in fat. Egg Yolk (Yellow) should be avoided by obese persons. However, you can take egg white as it is high is protein

6. Honey is an excellent food for increasing fat metabolism and reduce excess weight. It allows additional fat to be utilized for energy rather than build up unwanted flabby areas in the body

7. Soya Beans: Soya Beans are the highest source of protein among vegetarian foods. Soya not only supplements protein but helps reduce Fat in your body. So, take lot of Soya Beans in your diet

8. Oat Meal: Oat meal is another important source of protein, and like Soya it helps reduce body fat. It is suggested that you substitute your usual breakfast dish with a bowl of protein-rich Oat Meal

9. Skimmed Milk: Skimmed Milk contains 100% protein and 0% Fat. It is a wonderful source of natural protein to build a lean fat-free muscle mass.

10. Wheat Grass: Wheat Grass is medicinally proven to help people in reducing body fat to a great extent and decrease weight