You don’t necessarily need to have a special diet in order to shed unwanted pounds. By eating nutritiously throughout the week, you’ll be able to enjoy the foods you want without feeling guilty. The first thing you should educate yourself about is the food pyramid. While it has changed somewhat throughout the years, the food pyramid still holds the key to the basic building blocks of good nutrition. So what should you be including in your daily diet to ensure that you’re following all the rules?
· At least 3 ounces of grains a day. These foods include: brown rice instead of white, whole-wheat pasta, couscous and whole-grain products.
· 2-5 servings of fruit. You’ll get the best health benefits from fresh fruit as opposed to just fruit juice. For a change, try eating fruit that’s been frozen, canned or dried.
· 2-3 servings of protein a day. Chicken, fish, lean meat, legumes, seeds, nuts, eggs, and low-fat dairy products are the best sources of protein that can easily be included in your daily meals.
· 3-10 servings of vegetables a day. The most important ones to include are dark, leafy green vegetables and red/orange vegetables.
· 1-2 tablespoons of fat a day. While fats are essential within the body, too much isn’t healthy. Olive oil is a great way to include fats in your diet in a way that is tasty and absolutely healthy.
· 2-3 servings of dairy products a day. Low-fat and fat-free dairy products are ideal. Calcium supplements can also help you make sure you’re including enough dairy in your diet.
One great nutrition secret is to include tea among your list of favorite beverages. By now we’ve all heard the great things about tea, especially green tea. Drinking tea on a daily basis provides your body with large amount of nutrients, energy and even helps with the assistance of weight loss. Tea is filled with potent antioxidants called polyphenols that prevent cell damage and can even kill bacteria that causes gum disease.
To provide yourself with better nutrition, stay away from deep frying your food. Instead, opt for baking, broiling, steaming and microwaving your dishes. You’ll find that these cooking methods often bring out the best flavors and will increase your list of recipes. Using skinless, lean meats are also a sure bet towards eating healthier.
When it comes to preparing and cooking meals, include spices, lemons, olive oil and herbs instead of loading up on the butter and salt. Sugar substitutes are also a healthier way of enjoying your favorite foods without putting your health at risk.
For cheese lovers looking for a twist, try a helping of feta or goat cheese, which contains lower levels of fat. You can put feta sprinkles on everything from salads and sandwiches to pizza. Pasta fanatics can indulge in tasty nutrition by replacing creamy sauces, such as Alfredo and creamy Pesto, with marinara. When it comes to desert, recipes that call for fresh fruit and sorbets instead of pies and cakes are a safe and truly nutritious way to satisfy your sweet tooth.
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