Reduce the following:
- Bread and flour products;
- Potatoes;
- Pasta;
- Rice;
- Sweet products;
- Other products containing starch.
Increase the following:
- Meat;
- Vegetables;
- Fruit;
- Eggs;
- Cheese;
- Fish.
As you see the diet is very rigorous , but there are some visible results. Some people undergoing the diet, stopped suffering from pain and stiffening. They could cease taking anti-inflammatory drugs without side-effects. Unfortunately, the diet works only with few people. Probably, taking Sulfosalazine (an antibiotic that destroys the microbe) may help in some cases.
My experience with The No-Starch Diet
I decided to execute The NSD for about a month. I restricted rigorously all the rules for two weeks. In the meantime, I tried Sulfosalazyna and quit taking anti-inflammatory drugs- just to try and see the virtual results. The pain and stiffening withdrew almost completely. Unfortunately, it worked only for few days. I ceased using this diet, because of its strict rules. I tried to contrive a menu, but it turned out to be very difficult. I could not replace bread by any other food. What is more, starch is a basic energetic constituent of our diet, and I think its limitation may be dangerous. Anyway, I can recommend this diet. Maybe you will achieve better results. Let me know.