Thursday, March 10, 2011

Natural Remedies for Dark Under Eye Circles

Perhaps one of the worst things a woman can see when she looks into the mirror in the morning is the dark circles under her eye area. The appearance of dark under eye circles can be unsightly and embarrassing to deal with in public - who wants to look like they’re tired all the time? The first solution most women turn to is the latest miracle eye product or serum that promises to banish any signs of dark under eye circles. However, before spending your money and being given false hope, it may be in your best interest to first try out some natural remedies.

There are more natural remedies out there than you can shake a stick at and the great thing about this approach to skincare is that it costs you little to no money. In most cases, the ingredients needed to try out the natural remedy can be found right in your home. This is true for women that want to try the natural route towards getting rid of their dark under eye circles. The downside to having a number of natural remedies to choose from is that you may be overwhelmed and not know which one will be best for you. In this situation, take a step back and try to point out the cause of your under eye circles, especially if you’ve never had a problem with this skincare issue before. Have you been burning the midnight oil for the past few nights? Stressed out? Neglecting your skincare regimen? The best natural remedy is also the simplest: get some sleep! That’s it. You’ll be surprised by how getting a good night’s rest on a frequent basis can make all the difference. If you don’t get a lot of rest, chances are you’re tired, irritable and stressed out. These can all contribute to dark under eye circles so if you’re really serious about getting rid of them, make a concentrated effort to squeeze in more sleep.

Do you maintain poor eating habits? As with sleep, not practicing good nutrition can negatively impact your complexion, dark under eye circles included. Combat this skincare problem by boosting your intake of water, fruits, vegetables and also include a multivitamin for good measure.

Still suffering from under eye circles? Then it’s time to raid your kitchen and pantry. Combine cucumber juice, lanolin cream and lemon juice and apply to your under eye area. Let the mixture sit for 10-15 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water. Fans of almond oil can use this product to gently massage their under eye area every night before bedtime. Have you heard about the teabag method? It’s been around for a long time and with good reason. Simply brew a cup of your favorite tea (green tea is ideal) and remove the teabag afterwards. Allow it to cool and then place on your eyes for 10 minutes. Then remove the teabag and rinse the eye area. Not only will this tried and true natural skincare remedy take care of your dark under eye circles, it will also reduce puffiness. Add a good quality eye cream to your skincare regimen as well. This is the icing on the cake.